2021 Deane C. Davis Award
Nominations for the 2021 Deane C. Davis Award are now open.
Anyone may nominate a business for the Deane C. Davis Outstanding Vermont Business of the Year Award. The nomination may be made by the business itself, a government agency, or interested individuals.
The screening committee may request additional information from nominators, references or the company itself for the judge’s consideration. All entries and supplementary materials will become the property of the Vermont Business Magazine and will not be returned. Decisions of the judging committee are final.
Because the Deane C. Davis Outstanding Vermont Business of the Year Award is designed to recognize the total commitment of a company, nominations should describe the entire scope of the company’s mission.
All entries for the 2021 Deane C. Davis Outstanding Vermont Business of the Year Award must be submitted March 4, 2022.
Nominate your company here.
About The Deane C. Davis Outstanding Vermont Business Award:
The Deane C. Davis Outstanding Vermont Business of the Year Award is presented annually by the Vermont Chamber of Commerce and Vermont Business Magazine, and is named in honor of Governor Deane C. Davis (1900-1990).
In 1968, at the age of 68, when most people look forward to the enjoyment of retirement, Deane C. Davis was elected governor. Governor Davis brought considerable experience to the governor’s office (1969-1973), gleaned over many years as a lawyer, corporate officer and company president. He was a strong advocate of a sound economy that is based in a protected environment.
Governor Davis was known as the “Environmental Governor” because of his strong support for Act 250, which was enacted during his administration. He also championed a vigorous economic development program that resulted in the creation of the highly successful economic development corporations.