Tom Dee Honored as Citizen of the Year

Vermont Chamber of Commerce Honors Tom Dee as the 2024 Citizen of the Year

On August 1, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce celebrated Thomas A. Dee, President and CEO of Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC), as the 2024 Citizen of the Year at an event in his honor. Colleagues, friends, and family members gathered at the historic Everett Mansion to recognize Dee’s outstanding contributions to advance the southern Vermont economy and elevate community healthcare standards.

The Citizen of the Year award is presented annually by the Vermont Chamber to an individual who has made significant contributions to the betterment of Vermont, distinguished through exceptional service to their community and region, and epitomizes the true spirit of service and self-sacrifice that defines Vermont citizenship. Tom Dee has exemplified these qualities through his visionary leadership and unwavering dedication to the southwestern Vermont community.

“I’m humbled by this honor and grateful for the attention it brings to SVMC and the community of Bennington, which I call home,” said Tom Dee. “I have always strived to be a good steward of this health care system and, while I consider myself a small part of its more than 100-year history, I understand the crucial role we have in the communities we serve and in the State of Vermont. This has always motivated me to move SVMC forward and support our community, where I can.”

Amy Spear, President of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, also shared her thoughts on the occasion, saying, “Tom Dee embodies the finest ideals of Vermont citizenship. For 14 years, his unwavering dedication and visionary leadership have significantly improved the local economy and elevated community healthcare standards. We are proud to honor Tom Dee as the 2024 Citizen of the Year and celebrate his exceptional leadership and commitment to community.”

The Vermont Chamber of Commerce has been honoring outstanding Vermonters with the Citizen of the Year award since 1964. Previous recipients include Senator Patrick Leahy, Barbara Snelling, Antonio Pomerleau, and Ken Squier. This year’s celebration was a testament to Tom Dee’s remarkable contributions and his enduring legacy in Vermont. This event was supported by these generous sponsors: rk Miles, Casella, Farrell Distributing, The Richards Group, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, Mack Molding, and The Putnam Redevelopment Group

Vermont Chamber Testifies to Support a Fair, Diverse, and Inclusive Business Landscape

Vermont Chamber Testifies to Support a Fair, Diverse, and Inclusive Business Landscape

Betsy Bishop, Vermont Chamber President, testified in the House General and Housing Committee in support of H. 363, an act relating to prohibiting discrimination based on certain hair types and styles. The proposed legislation not only upholds Vermont’s values of diversity, but also ensures that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. Employers can maintain reasonable work uniform and grooming policies while taking a decisive stance against racial discrimination. Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our workplaces is a moral obligation and a key driver of a thriving business environment.

Over the past three years, the Vermont Chamber has embarked on a journey to cultivate a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion both internally and externally. Our commitment includes internal organizational efforts, such as setting goals, action plans, and board diversity, as well as external engagement through relationship-building and the support of initiatives like the Declaration of Inclusion.

School Spending Hikes Falling on Non-Residential Property Taxpayers

School Spending Hikes Falling on Non-Residential Property Taxpayers

As a result of a 2022 change in the education pupil weighting formula, some school districts would face a steep increase in property tax rates. To ease this transition, the law sought to protect districts from these rates impacting ratepayers all at once by capping increases on the tax rate at 5% for the next five years, even if that district experiences a homestead property tax rate increase exceeding 5%. Non-homestead ratepayers will already be paying the for 18.5% increase, but increases beyond this cap not covered by the homestead property taxpayers must be compensated by non-homestead taxpayers as well. While this cap was intended to ease the transition, it has created an incentive for school districts to raise budgets beyond what they would have absent the cap. Budgets are being presented with unprecedented increases, heavily impacting the non-homestead tax rate, hitting business owners that pay property tax and renters with large increases at a time when they are already absorbing soaring health care costs, a new payroll tax, high interest rates, and for some, staggering flood recovery costs.

As school boards begin publishing budgets reflecting, and in some cases boasting, spending sprees significantly beyond the 5% cap, legislators are reviewing their 2022 actions with the potential to curtail this high level of spending with the Chairs of the House and Means Committee and the Chair of the Senate Finance Committee issuing a letter on these increase to school boards.