Total Costs for Childcare Bill Expected Next Week, Two Months into Session

Total Costs for Childcare Bill Expected Next Week, Two Months into Session

The Senate Health and Welfare Committee noted cost implications in S.56 where further discussion will be needed. In doing so, the Chair warned that addressing everything at once would be very costly and that the bill could die under its own weight if there is too much money involved. When the Joint Fiscal Office provides a fiscal note on the cost of each proposal, the remaining proposals in the bill will have to be weighed and prioritized. 

Proposals to address childcare include: 

  • Increase the Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP) eligibility from 350% to 425% of the poverty level. 
  • Create a tiered professional compensation standard for childcare workers commensurate with public school educators and annual adjustments. 
  • Tie a childcare provider’s participation in CCFAP with the use of this tiered system. 
  • Make payment to a center based on enrollment rather than capacity. 
  • Make a payment schedule that incorporates the total cost of care. 
  • Allow all centers to receive payment regardless of STAR rating so families without access to high-level STAR programs are not disadvantaged from accessing CCFAP. 
  • Create a non-citizen childcare assistance program. 
  • Continue workforce retention grants with $7.3 million in funding. 

Additional related proposals in S.56 address governance and a property tax credit for childcare centers. 



Could Universal Public Prekindergarten Be the Key to Childcare?

Could Universal Public Prekindergarten Be the Key to Childcare?

Testimony from the Vermont Principals’ Association in the Senate Education Committee stated there is capacity and infrastructure in place to stand up a high-quality statewide program as outlined in a proposal for universal prekindergarten for 4-year-olds through the public school system. By transitioning an age group to universal public prekindergarten, the proposal could create a significant number of newly available private care provider spots for younger children, addressing availability concerns. 

While the committee response was generally supportive of the program, it was made clear that even with the capacity of schools to implement the proposal now, the only possibility this year would be for a further study on how it would work.  In contrast to private care providers that manage waitlists, public schools accept all students. Additionally, school enrollment has decreased, meaning that the required capacity and infrastructure for the program exists.  



Following Supreme Court Decision, S.9 Would Grant Unprecedented Expansion of Power to State Auditor

Following Supreme Court Decision, S.9 Would Grant Unprecedented Expansion of Power to State Auditor

A bill passed the Senate Government Operations Committee that would grant the State Auditor access to any of the books, records, and returns of private businesses that contract with state government as it relates to performance. This would be a significant expansion of authority for the political office. The Vermont Chamber will work to support partner organizations such as the Associated General Contractors of Vermont and Vermont Bankers Association, as well as hospitals and other healthcare organizations, to raise concerns. If this legislation passes, it could lead to lengthy and costly interferences with business operations for any of the thousands of businesses contracting with the state of Vermont and will test the willingness of contractors to work on essential contracts such as hospitals, healthcare providers, construction companies, and information technology companies. 

It remains likely that additional litigation could be expected over the interpretation of what records are related to the performance of an audit. S.9 was voted out of the committee along party lines by a vote of 5-1-0.  Given the importance of contractors, hospitals and financial institutions to the operation of the state government, this bill should be reviewed by additional committees including Senate Transportation, Senate Health and Welfare, and Senate Institutions. 



New VEGI Bill Considered Following Vermont Chamber Testimony for Balanced Modernization

New VEGI Bill Considered Following Vermont Chamber Testimony for Balanced Modernization

It became clear this week, to the point of legislators reading from Wikipedia, that consensus could not be reached on a path forward to modernize the Vermont Employment Growth Incentive (VEGI) program. The Vermont Chamber advocated for a program analysis by an established and well-respected third-party. Specifically, one with an understanding of best practices in economic development and without emotional ties to, or against, the program. An updated version of H.10 now has a placeholder for a study contracted by the Joint Fiscal Office or conducted by a legislative panel to look at the structure of the Vermont Economic Progress Council and VEGI. The Vermont Chamber will be advocating for a study modeled on the success of other states like Michigan. 

In stark contrast to those that have evaluated this program in the past, Dr. Ellen Harpel of the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness provided testimony that highlighted how reviews of incentive programs should be approached and the importance of incentive programs, even for small states with small programs. As the bill progresses, the Vermont Chamber will continue to advocate for a modernized version of the program to ensure the only business incentive program in Vermont is not eliminated. 



Business Leaders Testify on Liquor Liability Insurance Concerns

Business Leaders Testify on Liquor Liability Insurance Concerns

To address liquor liability insurance concerns, the Vermont Chamber and Vermont Independent Restaurants (VTIR) are advocating for H.288, legislation that would amend the statutes governing liability for the sale of alcoholic beverages. Vermont’s statutes, which have not been amended since 1987, make Vermont an outlier and undesirable state to insure in. VTIR leadership members Chris Karr of the Killington-based Karr Group and Alex Crothers of Higher Ground testified that if this issue is not addressed urgently, their businesses are at risk of becoming inoperable in Vermont. 

The Vermont Chamber also provided testimony to amend the statute. Specifically, by updating Vermont’s dram shop laws to be in line with neighboring control states such as Maine, and to also remove the landlord from the chain of liability. The current chain of liability includes the server, the business owner, and the landlord.  



Significant Solutions Proposed in Housing Omnibus Bill to Address Business Concerns

Significant Solutions Proposed in Housing Omnibus Bill to Address Business Concerns

In December, the Vermont Chamber hosted a business roundtable with Senator Ram Hinsdale on the need to make housing the top priority this session. As Chair of the committee tasked with crafting a housing omnibus bill, Ram Hinsdale has since championed the needs of businesses. Over the last eight weeks, the committee took testimony from over 100 Vermonters to craft a bill that would make meaningful progress on Vermont’s housing crisis. The Committee unanimously voted out S.100, the “HOME” bill, which thoughtfully addresses many of the areas that the Vermont Chamber has advocating for. However, the bill is now expected to have an uphill battle in the Senate Natural Resources Committee, which has historically opposed removing the barriers that exist to building housing.  

In an op-ed earlier this session, the Vermont Chamber advocated for legislative action in four areas. Highlights of S.100 are categorized into each of these areas: 

Breaking down Barriers 

  • Limits municipal regulations on issues like parking, single-family zoning, ADUs, number of units per acre, height limitations. 
  • Removes the ability for 10 people to appeal a decision of the municipal administrative officer. 
  • Allows municipal administrative offices to approve subdivisions. 
  • Removes the character of an area as a subject of an appeal. 
  • Increases the trigger for Act 250 from 10 units in 5 years, within 5 miles, to 25 units in 5 years, within 5 miles in a designated area. 

Strategic Investment 

  • $20 million for the Missing Middle Income Homeownership Program 
  • $20 million for the Middle-Income Rental Housing Program 
  • $20 million for the Vermont Rental Housing Improvement Program 
  • $25 million for the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board 

Public Private Partnership 

  • Creates opportunities for employers to invest in workforce housing developments through the Middle-Income Rental Housing program. 

Collects Data 

  • Does not contain a rental registry. 
  • Instructs auditors from the State Office of the Auditor or a third-party auditing firm to conduct an audit of the residential housing development and approval process and identify measures and policy changes that will improve the timeliness of residential housing development. 



Legislative Intern Spotlight: Jeremy Little

Legislative Intern Spotlight: Jeremy Little

Name:  Jeremy Little 

College: Saint Michael’s College 

Field of Study: Political Science Major, Economics Minor, Spanish Minor

Anticipated Graduation: May 2023 

Hometown: Georgia, VT 

“In this internship, I’m excited to get to know how everything works at the State House. So far, I’ve been lucky to be introduced to many great people who spend their time at the State House, both legislators, lobbyists, and many others. Some of the skills I am developing through this internship include an innate understanding of the legislative process, issues facing Vermonters, and of how the various bills proposed will affect businesses and individuals.  

After graduating, I plan to stay in Vermont and work as a summer canvasser. Following this, I hope to find employment in the fall at a job either directly or indirectly involved in politics within Vermont. At some point, I plan to return to college for a graduate degree in public or environmental policy.  

I look forward to the opportunity to connect. Please reach out if you would like to speak further. This internship is a great opportunity for me, and I welcome the opportunity to deepen my connection with Vermont and with its inner mechanisms.” 

Contact Information:  
Email – 

The 2023 Legislative Monitoring Collaborative is made possible by the support of the National Life Group: 



Action Required to Address Liquor Liability Insurance Concerns

Action Required to Address Liquor Liability Insurance Concerns

A bill has been introduced to address the issue of why it is so costly, or not possible, for licensees to obtain liquor liability insurance in Vermont. With the help of the House Speaker, this issue has received timely attention. The Vermont Chamber and VTIR will be advocating for legislation that updates state dram shop laws to be in line with neighboring control states. Specifically, by amending the statute so that liability is established on negligence and landlords are removed from the chain of liability in the unlawful sale of alcoholic beverages. Vermont ranks with Alabama as the two worst states for liquor liability insurance.  

Currently, Vermont is an outlier because liability is established on a strict basis and includes the server, owner, and landlord. H.288 proposes to amend the statutes on liability for the sale of alcoholic beverages to reduce the scope of liability and limit the persons who may be subject to an action for damages that result from an unlawful sale of alcoholic beverages. These changes would ensure Vermont businesses do not have to pay exorbitant rates, or, become uninsurable. Initial testimony on this issue was taken by the House Government Operations and Military Affairs Committee.



12 Weeks Paid Family and Medical Leave Bill Voted Out of Committee With 100% Wage Replacement Mandated for All Businesses

12 Weeks Paid Family and Medical Leave Bill Voted Out of Committee With 100% Wage Replacement Mandated for All Businesses

The House General and Housing Committee voted 9-3-0 in support of H.66, with the three Republican legislators all voting against the paid family and medical leave (PFML) legislation. As the policy committee of jurisdiction, the committee has tackled challenging and complicated conversations in recent weeks concerning how this extensive new mandated benefits program would work. However, many questions remain unanswered and the contrast between paid leave legislation crafted in 2019 is stark. 

Multiple aspects of the current bill were reviewed and altered at the suggestion of the Vermont Chamber, including a further definition of “personal bond” regarding familial relationships that require care to qualify for benefits. The removal of refund payments to employees making under $25,000 in wages was also addressed. However, the legislation still aims to create the most expansive PFML program in the nation and relies on the State Treasurer to create a new insurance program rather than working with the already established private insurer. This is opposite to the precedent set by other states that have created PFML programs. The cost and effort that this would take are largely guesswork and likely to be staggering. The legislation will now be reviewed by the House Ways and Means Committee. 

FMLI Passed in 2019 PFML Proposal 2023

Vermont Department of Financial Regulation (DFR) will issue a Request for Proposals to select an insurance carrier to run a program.

The Vermont Department of Labor will write rules regarding the appeals process, carry out marketing, and handle appeals that come to the State

The Vermont Department of Taxes will collect and remit to the FMLI Special Fund

The Vermont Treasurer’s Office will be appropriated between $20 and $80 million to double its size to start a new Division of Family and Medical Leave.

DFR will evaluate employers' plans to decide if they are of equal benefit to the state plan to provide an avenue to leave the state plan

The Department of Taxes will collect new revenue from a payroll tax and remit to a special fund

Benefit Design

90% of an employee’s average weekly wage up to 55% of the Statewide Average Weekly Wage and 55% of an employee’s average weekly wage more than that amount

Maximum weekly benefit amount is the Vermont Average Weekly Wage

100% of employee’s average weekly wage up to a maximum of the Statewide Average Weekly Wage
Eligibility Those that earn the dollar equivalent of 675 hours at minimum wage

Employed with the same employer for six months for an average of 20 hours per week

Or, is employed and during two of the last four completed calendar quarters has received payments for services for which the employer is required to withhold Vermont income tax

Employer Size Number of employees to be considered a covered employer was reduced from 15 to 10 “Any person employing one or more individuals in Vermont”

An elaborated breakdown of the differences between paid leave legislation from 2019 and the current bill is available, here, and was provided as testimony from our partners at the Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce. 



Funding Secured for Housing in Budget Adjustment

Funding Secured for Housing in Budget Adjustment

The Senate Appropriations Committee amended the Budget Adjustment Act to include $14 million of funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the general fund for the Missing Middle-Income Homeownership Development Pilot Program. The Vermont Chamber’s advocacy was essential to the establishment of the program and is a champion for solutions that increase the number of housing units statewide as a solution workforce shortage solution.  

This funding allocates $5 million of ARPA funding for FY22, $10 million of ARPA funding for FY23, and $9 million of general funding for FY23. Additional investments championed by Vermont Chamber that received funding were the Rural Infrastructure Assistance Program, Vermont Housing Improvement Program, and The State Refugee Office.