Healthcare Reform Takes Shape

Healthcare Reform Takes Shape

The Senate Health and Welfare Committee is considering significant healthcare reforms aimed at increasing access and affordability. The legislation calls for a statewide healthcare delivery plan, directing the Green Mountain Care Board (GMCB) and the Agency of Human Services (AHS) to identify ways to expand access, reduce administrative burdens, and address service gaps. Business groups and insurers support this effort, provided it builds on existing planning structures and remains practical, cost-conscious, and transparent.

Strategies to create a centralized clinical and claims data system to improve efficiency and collaboration are also part of this plan. However, ensuring comprehensive Medicare data integration, quality, continuity, and cost-effectiveness before implementation remains vital.

The committee is also considering hospital budget oversight and payment reform, directing the GMCB to explore reference-based pricing (RBP), a model that ties commercial hospital rates to a percentage of Medicare prices. Stakeholders have expressed concerns over this transition, highlighting the need for both hospital and payer input, phased-in implementation, and safeguards against unintended consequences.

The inclusion of total cost of care targets and global hospital budgets has prompted calls for alignment with existing models and additional resources to maintain access and quality. Concerns remain about implementation without a federal agreement on Medicare payments and ensuring rural hospitals remain financially stable.

The bill also expands the GMCB’s regulatory authority and staffing, allocating new funding to the board rather than reallocating existing resources. Some stakeholders warn that the proposal could lead to rigid mandates, tying hospital service reductions directly to lower health insurance premiums.

While insurance rates are not the primary focus of this bill, lawmakers hope these system reforms will ultimately help control costs and increase efficiency in the healthcare system. The Vermont Chamber continues to advocate for solutions that promote affordability, sustainability, and limit regulatory burden for Vermont employers and employees.



Healthcare Rises to Top, but the Roadmap to Solutions Remains Unclear

Healthcare Rises to the Top, but the Roadmap to Solutions Remains Unclear

Last year’s staggering 19% increase in commercial health insurance rates remains top of mind for businesses as affordability priorities are debated in Montpelier. These rising costs have compounded challenges for employers already struggling to absorb double-digit increases in property taxes, the payroll tax, and a variety of new regulations from the past year.

Following Governor Scott’s budget address, Speaker Jill Krowinski emphasized healthcare as a critical factor in the affordability conversation that requires action this year. This week, a new coalition, VHC911, emerged, calling on the legislature and administration to address healthcare reform. At a press conference, the group highlighted Vermont’s commercial insurance costs compared to neighboring states but did not propose specific policy solutions. If the current state of housing and education finance has made anything clear, it’s that inaction on growing issues can lead to dire consequences.

As the House Health Care Committee and Senate Health and Welfare Committee explore solutions, several opportunities for progress remain. Legislators, administration officials, and healthcare leaders must collaborate to develop a balanced reform plan. Additionally, bold and innovative workforce solutions are needed to address the demographic and labor shortages affecting not only healthcare but all industries in Vermont.

As discussions continue, the Vermont Chamber will advocate for solutions that balance affordability, access, and sustainability in Vermont’s healthcare system.



Small Group and Individual Health Care Markets to Remain Unmerged

Small Group and Individual Health Care Markets to Remain Unmerged

The House Health Care Committee has taken a critical step to protect small businesses from absorbing the higher costs associated with the individual health insurance market by ensuring the small group and individual markets remain permanently unmerged.

This issue has been a focus of the Vermont Chamber for several years. In prior sessions, the Vermont Chamber helped advocate for the markets to remain unmerged, as long as enhanced federal subsidies were available to stabilize the individual market. With those subsidies set to expire in 2025, the markets were scheduled to merge this year, which would have resulted in even higher premium increases for small businesses.

Testimony from the Department of Vermont Health Access, health care organizations, and the Vermont Chamber emphasized the importance of maintaining this separation. Keeping the markets separate helps protect small businesses from potential rate increases caused by the individual market, providing an upside in an otherwise difficult year for health insurance premiums.

The committee unanimously supported H. 35, which codifies the unmerged markets. Their swift action demonstrates a strong commitment to protecting Vermont’s small businesses and their ability to offer quality health insurance.

The Chamber will continue monitoring the progress of H. 35 through the House and into the Senate, advocating for solutions that support Vermont’s business community. Though this is an important step, a considerable amount of work remains to be done do if health care costs are to be addressed this year.



Op-Ed: The Vermont Chamber’s 2025 Legislative Priorities

Common Ground: Working Together to Address Vermont’s Affordability Crisis

Each year, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce outlines our legislative priorities with one focus in mind: creating the conditions to advance the Vermont economy. This year, our goals align closely with those voiced by Vermonters at the polls: addressing affordability, fostering economic growth, and doing the hard work to solve Vermont’s toughest challenges. 

Affordability is at the forefront of these challenges. Vermonters are grappling with rising costs, driven by demographic pressures and systemic issues in areas such as education finance spending, housing, and healthcare. Based on data compiled by the Vermont Futures Project, our state must add an average of 13,500 people to its workforce annually through 2035 to keep the economy thriving in the face of demographic shifts. Meanwhile, meeting current housing demand will require tripling Vermont’s housing output to produce 36,000 new units by 2029.

Addressing this level of need is even more pressing given Vermont’s ranking as the third-highest state in the nation for tax collections per capita, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Property and individual income taxes remain Vermont’s largest sources of revenue—placing additional stress on families and businesses already struggling with limited housing options and rising costs. While band-aid solutions might feel appealing, real progress requires honest conversations, a shared commitment, and a willingness to embrace compromise. We need solutions that tackle the root causes, not just the symptoms. 

Last year’s success in modernizing Act 250 demonstrated how stakeholders with historically opposing sides commit to working together, and in doing so, real progress can be made—even when the process is challenging and compromises are required. By remaining fully engaged and working through disagreements, participants honored diverse perspectives and paved the way for continued collaboration, providing a blueprint for how to accomplish meaningful change. This model of purposeful engagement—where people listen to different viewpoints, set aside rhetoric, and remain focused on shared goals—must be a cornerstone of how we move forward in Montpelier and beyond. As we look ahead, whether in the State House, the boardroom, or around the kitchen table, we must prioritize this spirit of cooperation to address our affordability crisis and build a stronger future for businesses and communities across the state. 

The Vermont Chamber is committed to playing an active role in this process. We will advocate for thoughtful, data-driven policies that reduce costs, grow our economy, and create opportunities for all Vermonters. Vermont’s challenges, from housing shortages to healthcare costs, do not rest on the shoulders of any one party, organization, or community. Making meaningful reforms will require all stakeholders—legislators, administration officials, advocates, businesses, and individuals—to engage in difficult conversations and embrace compromise. Only through a shared sense of responsibility—and shared accountability for the outcomes—can we create the conditions for inclusive and forward-thinking problem-solving. Blame and partisanship must give way to open-minded discussion and creative ideas that improve Vermonters’ lives. 

As we begin the new legislative session, the Vermont Chamber calls on our leaders to remain engaged in discussions, continue the dialogue, and keep conversations focused on results. It’s time to move beyond rhetoric and engage in the real work of making Vermont more affordable and sustainable for all. By doing so, we can ensure our state’s economy remains vibrant, our communities remain livable, and our future remains bright. 

Vermont’s Regulatory Environment and Aging Demographics Add to Growing Cumulative Impacts Facing Vermont Businesses

Vermont’s Regulatory Environment and Aging Demographics Add to Growing Cumulative Impacts Facing Vermont Businesses

Health insurance providers have submitted commercial rate increase proposals to the Green Mountain Care Board for 2025. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont is requesting a 24% increase, while MVP is seeking a 9% increase. These proposals follow two consecutive years of double-digit rate hikes, creating an unsustainable financial burden for Vermont’s businesses and their employees.

For businesses already struggling with numerous financial challenges, including supply chain disruptions, a new payroll tax, significant property tax increases, inflation, and labor shortages, these additional health care cost pressures are part of a bigger cumulative impact pushing some companies to a breaking point.

The rising cost of healthcare and insurance in Vermont is driven by several factors, including increased utilization, higher prescription drug costs, staffing challenges, and other economic pressures. The 65+ demographic uses healthcare services at a much higher rate, and with 100,000 Vermonters expected to join this age group in the next decade, costs will continue to rise.

Addressing Vermonters’ healthcare needs affordably is a complex challenge without easy solutions. Regulators will need to carefully review hospital budgets and insurance rates while considering the burdens businesses are facing. If implemented, these proposed insurance increases would exacerbate existing hardships and harm the economic health of our state. Health care coverage is a crucial component of the wage and benefit packages employers offer. As insurance premiums rise, employers face the tough decision of trying to absorb these additional costs or passing them on to employees; neither option is desirable.

The Green Mountain Care Board is accepting public comment on these rate increases. We encourage you to submit your feedback here.

Businesses Face Double-Digit Health Insurance Rate Hikes

Businesses Face Double-Digit Health Insurance Rate Hikes

Following a public comment period, the Green Mountain Care Board has approved reduced rate increases for health insurance plans. BlueCross BlueShield group rates will rise by 13% while MVP will rise by 11.5%. This cost increase will weigh heavily on the cost burden of small businesses. A review of hospital budget proposals is expected from regulators in the coming weeks.

Looking ahead, the Vermont Chamber is already anticipating 2025 when the issue of re-merging the small group and individual markets will be back on the table in the legislature. Stakeholders will have to fully understand what re-merging the market would mean financially to small businesses that represent only 6% of the health insurance landscape.



Tax Hikes to Fund Childcare and Paid Family and Medical Leave Include Corporate Income, Personal Income, and Payroll

Tax Hikes to Fund Childcare and Paid Family and Medical Leave Include Corporate Income, Personal Income, and Payroll

The House Ways and Means Committee unveiled a plan for doubling state funding for the childcare system by increasing the top corporate income tax bracket rate to 10% and increasing all personal income tax brackets by 0.5%. Testimony from the Joint Fiscal Office detailed how the corporate and personal income tax hikes would fund the $100 million expected annual cost. These increases would be in addition to the 0.55% payroll tax that the committee passed to pay for an expansive paid family and medical leave program.  

If passed, the legislation would establish Vermont as having the highest corporate tax in the nation and would apply to the 2,000 Vermont businesses with a net income of over $25,000. This comes only a year after the legislature made changes to the corporate tax system that benefits corporations that have a Vermont-based workforce. This proposal would wipe out those benefits with a higher corporate tax rate. Changes to corporate income structure multiple times in a short period would further exacerbate what is already an unpredictable business climate.  

The House Human Services Committee previously passed the bill out of committee by a vote of 10-1. Notably, the parental leave provision passed by the Senate was removed from the bill. 




A Rare “Win-Win” For Small Businesses, State, and Vermonters

A Rare “Win-Win” For Small Businesses, State, and Vermonters

The Vermont Chamber continued its testimony in support of healthcare legislation that would keep the small group market separated from the individual market throughout 2025. S.54 would ensure small businesses benefit from not shouldering the added weight of subsidizing premiums for the individual market, the state wins by accessing more federal funds, and individuals benefit from additional subsidies. The bill was voted out of the House Health Care Committee and is expected to be on the House floor next week. While S.54 is considered a win-win, the Vermont Chamber reminded legislators that this bill does not address the root problem.

The problem of cost-shifting will remain in the years ahead and stakeholders will have to return to the table later to fully understand what re-merging the market would mean financially to small businesses that represent only 6% of the health insurance landscape. The Vermont Chamber will remain engaged to ensure policymakers work towards a plan that ensures small businesses do not get burdened with the full cost of holding the individual market harmless in 2025.



Vermont Chamber Supports Continued Health Care Savings for Small Business

Vermont Chamber Supports Continued Health Care Savings for Small Business

S.54 will keep the small group and individual markets separate for the duration of the federal premium tax credit expansion through 2025. The Vermont Chamber, a successful leader on this issue, continues to support keeping the small group market separated from the individual market, and while the issue is momentarily addressed, cost-shifting questions beyond the next few years remain to be addressed. 

In testimony, the Vermont Chamber reminded members of the Senate Finance Committee that the small group market represents only 6% of the overall health insurance landscape. Amid economic uncertainty, legislators were also asked to consider the small business financial implications of re-merging the market and to work towards a plan that ensures they are not burdened with the full cost of holding the individual market harmless in 2025.   



Healthcare Roundup

Healthcare Roundup

Several evolvements in the shifting healthcare landscape have made headlines in recent months: 

  • On the national level, Sen. Joe Manchin and Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer came to an agreement on Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies, extending the subsidies to 2025 with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. The subsidies, eligible to those purchasing in the Vermont Health Connect marketplace, were previously set to expire at the end of 2022. 
  • Without those federal subsidies, employees of small businesses would have paid more for health care. The Vermont Chamber participated in the working group, as per H.489 (Act 137), with the Department of Financial Regulation and the GMCB  to make recommendations on maintaining separate individual and small-group health insurance markets. The extension of the ACA subsidies at the federal level provides a longer runway for this work.   
  • Last session, the Vermont Chamber advocated to maintain separate markets, securing $17.7 million in healthcare savings for small businesses. However, premiums are trending up for 2023 as the GMCB’s 2023 rate review forecasts nearly 20% increases.  
  • In September, Governor Scott announced new appointments to the Green Mountain Care Board (GMCB) adding one new member, Dr. David Murman of Waterbury, and retaining Board member Robin Lunge of Berlin, who will serve on the 5-person board alongside the newly appointed board chair, Owen Foster of Middlebury. The GMCB is charged with balancing increasing health costs and insurance rates without overly burdening ratepayers.