Treasurer Mike Pieciak Connects with Business Leaders at the Wellspring Forum

Treasurer Mike Pieciak Connects with Business Leaders at the Wellspring Forum

Treasurer Mike Pieciak connected with Vermont business leaders at the Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport for the latest installment of the Wellspring Forum series on March 22, 2024. Each event in the series has convened top business and policy leaders at a unique business and is moderated by Vermont Chamber President, Betsy Bishop.

“Connecting business and policy leaders for robust conversations is essential to our mission of advancing the Vermont economy,” stated Bishop. “Treasurer Pieciak was featured at our very first Wellspring Forum in 2022 when he was on the campaign trail, and it’s only fitting that we had him back in his official capacity to delve into the economic issues that are on the top of mind for Vermont businesses.”

Treasurer Pieciak took audience questions and addressed employer concerns, including struggles with the scale of financing important services in Vermont such as education, health care, and technology, along with ongoing affordability and workforce woes. The Treasurer also spoke about his work on VT Saves, Baby Bonds, and promoting housing growth in Vermont through recent substantial investments.

“Vermont continues to be a desirable location for people seeking a high quality of life,” said Treasurer Pieciak. “People want to live here, and our businesses want to expand, but we don’t have the workforce because we don’t have the housing. That’s why our Office has prioritized supporting new housing by investing over $60 million in low-interest loans in the last year alone. These funds are expected to support the development of over 1,100 new units of housing to help address our changing demographics, grow our economy, and support a more prosperous future for all Vermonters.”

Business leaders from across Vermont toured the Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport following the forum, receiving a first-hand account of the new development project, “Project NexT” which will create a new terminal building to advance efficiency, safety, traveler amenities, and partner accommodations.

“It was a privilege to welcome Vermont Treasurer Mike Pieciak at the Vermont Chamber of Commerce’s Wellspring Forum last week,” said Nic Longo, Director of Aviation at the Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport. “As we prepare for Project NexT, the latest and largest sustainable infrastructure project at Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport, we are committed to opening our airport to not just passengers but to the general public at future events.”

The event is inspired by Governor James H. Douglas’ quote; “I am often reminded that the wellspring of Vermont liberty flows from Main Street, not State Street,” and was made possible by the sponsorship of AT&T, The National Life Group, NBT Bank, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont.

Building Together: A Call for Collaborative Housing Legislation

Building Together: A Call for Collaborative Housing Legislation

This commentary is by the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, the Vermont Natural Resources Council, and the Vermont Association of Planning and Development Agencies

Climate change poses a significant threat to Vermont’s natural resources, economy, and way of life. From extreme weather events to loss of biodiversity, the impacts are already evident. Simultaneously, Vermont faces an urgent housing crisis that demands swift and strategic action. Adequate and affordable housing is essential for attracting and retaining a skilled workforce, promoting economic vitality, accommodating climate refugees, and ensuring the well-being of our communities.

Elected leaders at all levels have made building more housing and protecting our environment a priority – and yet progress to comprehensively reform Act 250, our state’s landmark land use and development law, has remained elusive for a number of years, even though there have been multiple attempts. This year, after building unprecedented consensus among a number of stakeholders, we believe a compromise is available, actionable, and attainable.

Legislators can make real progress this year by passing the recommendations in the Vermont Natural Resources Board’s report on the Necessary Updates to Act 250, which was released in December 2023. This report reflects areas of common ground and outlines a framework for how Act 250 can be modernized to better protect our environment while also encouraging more housing to be built in viable locations.

Act 250, originally enacted in 1970, has played a fundamental role in shaping Vermont’s development, and these proposed updates signal a willingness to adapt to the evolving needs of our state. Following six months of work, stakeholders with different priorities, have shown a commitment to demonstrating that progress is not a zero-sum game. The solutions proposed in this report highlight the intersectionality of the challenges Vermont faces today, and offer a path forward to incentivize new housing development in and around our community centers, while better protecting Vermont’s natural resources.

With the current legislative session well underway, this report is now in the hands of Vermont’s lawmakers. Committees in both chambers have spent weeks hearing testimony on how Act 250 can be improved to more effectively support housing, environmental protection, social equity, and economic vitality. There is much more work to be done to develop legislation that meets the moment by adequately protecting our environment and advancing needed housing around the state.

By modernizing Act 250 to a location-based approach with a 3-tiered system, we can better incentivize the development of dense and resilient communities where we want growth to happen while also recognizing that certain natural areas deserve a heightened level of review. In Tier One, Act 250 would acknowledge where municipalities and state agencies are already providing appropriate oversight of development by encouraging compact housing in areas that will lead to better smart growth outcomes. The addition of a “road rule” trigger and forest fragmentation criteria in Tier Two would incentivize more compact growth that better maintains our forested and agricultural lands and wildlife habitat. Tier Three would acknowledge that there are critical natural resources that need additional review and protection when development is proposed.

We acknowledge and expect that disagreements will continue to arise throughout the legislative session. However, we firmly believe that by remaining at the table and engaging in open dialogue, we can find common ground and work together to find solutions that serve the best interests of Vermont. We can strike a balance between development and natural resource protection that allows us to find shared solutions to the housing crisis and mitigate the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss.

The Vermont Chamber of Commerce, the Vermont Natural Resources Council, and the Vermont Association of Planning and Development Agencies recognize the urgency of addressing these issues and are committed to fostering collaboration among stakeholders. Each of our organizations brings a unique perspective to the issue and we are all committed to working toward policies that pave the way for a resilient and prosperous future for all Vermonters.

As leaders in our respective fields, we urge legislators, communities, businesses, advocates, and government agencies to remain engaged in this collective effort. The challenges we face are immense, but so too is our capacity to overcome them. Let us embrace collaboration, and work together to create a resilient, thriving future for Vermont.

About the Vermont Chamber of Commerce

The Vermont Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to advancing the Vermont economy. Trusted by the businesses that make living, working, and thriving in Vermont possible, we prioritize collaboration and uphold the core values that define our state. As the preeminent not-for-profit business organization, we advocate, build community, and provide resources for businesses statewide.

About Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC)

Through research, education, collaboration and advocacy, VNRC protects and enhances Vermont’s natural environments, vibrant communities, productive working landscapes, rural character and unique sense of place, and prepares the state for future challenges and opportunities.

About the Vermont Association of Planning and Development Agencies

The Vermont Association of Planning and Development Agencies (VAPDA) is the statewide association for the State of Vermont’s 11 regional planning commissions. Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) are Political Subdivisions of the State of Vermont created by their member municipalities.  RPCs provide technical assistance to municipalities, and since Vermont does not have county governments, Vermont’s Regional Planning Commissions act as a link between municipal affairs and state government. RPCs work in fields that directly and indirectly affect the public at large: land use, transportation, housing, economic development, environmental quality, and more.

Immigration and Artificial Intelligence Highlighted at the 2024 Vermont Economic Conference

Immigration and Artificial Intelligence Highlighted at the 2024 Vermont Economic Conference

The Vermont Chamber of Commerce’s annual Vermont Economic Conference convened more than 200 business and policy leaders for a day of insightful presentations, engaging discussions, and valuable networking opportunities. The agenda provided attendees with an in-depth look at national and state perspectives on the economy as well as the latest economic indicators shaping Vermont’s business landscape.

“We are proud to build on our record of convening Vermont businesses to provide resources that help the community navigate a rapidly evolving landscape,” said Vermont Chamber President Betsy Bishop. “In addition to economic outlook presentations by top economists, it was important to us that the agenda featured two of the leading issues for the year ahead. Artificial intelligence is reshaping industries and redefining the way we do business, while the immigration-to-workforce pipeline is a crucial opportunity for our state.”

A panel discussion entitled “Leveraging Vermont’s Immigration Experience to Solve Workforce Needs,” included Leslie Holman of Holman Immigration Law, Tracy Dolan of the State of Vermont Refugee Office, Julia Birnn Fields of Birnn Chocolates of Vermont, and was moderated by Adam Grinold of the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation. The expert stakeholders provided insight into the economic contributions of immigrants to Vermont, the importance of workforce development and diversity, and the impact of immigration policies on local businesses and communities.

The event also featured Alec Newcomb, the Founder of ScaledOn, who delved into the theory of artificial intelligence and shared practical applications for businesses looking to harness its potential. The interactive presentation gave attendees the resources necessary to understand the theory of the technology and practical applications for businesses looking to harness its potential.

TD Bank Senior Economist Leslie Preston presented valuable insights into the broader U.S. economic landscape, with a presentation on national trends and their impact on the future. This was complemented in the agenda by Mat Barewicz, Economic & Labor Market Information Chief for the Vermont Department of Labor who presented on the state economic outlook.

The event opened with the presentation of the 2023 Outstanding Business of the Year Award to Bourne’s Energy. The award was presented by the Vermont Chamber of Commerce and VermontBiz and accepted by Peter Bourne on behalf of the business.

The Wellspring Forum Connects Senator Peter Welch with Business Leaders

The Wellspring Forum Connects Senator Peter Welch with Business Leaders

Senator Peter Welch addressed the Vermont Chamber Board of Directors and other Vermont business leaders at the Wellspring Forum series which was held at KORE Power in Waterbury. The event series, hosted by the Vermont Chamber, regularly brings together top Vermont business and policy leaders for robust economic discussions. Each event takes place at a unique Vermont business and is moderated by Vermont Chamber President, Betsy Bishop.

“The Vermont Chamber is proud to build on our record of advancing the Vermont economy by connecting Vermont business leaders with Senator Welch and facilitating an opportunity for robust policy discussions,” stated Bishop. “We remain grateful for Senator Welch’s willingness to meet businesses where they are, and for taking their concerns back with him to Washington D.C.”

Senator Welch was in person at the facilities of KORE Power to answer audience questions and address employer concerns. Business leaders asked the Senator to speak to opportunities for federal solutions on middle-income workforce housing, affordability, immigration, and other national economic stability concerns. The Senator also applauded the leadership of Vermont businesses on climate security and innovation.

“The Vermont Chamber’s Wellspring Forum provided the opportunity to hear directly from business owners about so many issues that are directly impacting Vermont’s business community. We discussed the importance of providing targeted disaster relief to businesses impacted by the brutal flooding this summer, efforts to strengthen our workforce, our continued fight to combat climate change, and federal actions to expand access to health care and childcare,” said Senator Welch. “I will continue to bring the voices and concerns of Vermonters with me to Washington and keep working to level the playing field here in the Green Mountain State.”

Following the forum, business leaders from across Vermont toured the KORE Power facility to learn more about the leading U.S.-based developer of battery cell technology and integrated solution manufacturer for the energy storage and e-mobility sectors.

“As New Englanders, we’re particularly proud to engineer solutions that advance energy independence and reliability,” said KORE Power President Jay Bellows. “With Senator Welch’s support of federal policies like the IRA, solutions built by our team here in Vermont that deliver those benefits are in demand across the nation.”

The event title is inspired by Governor James H. Douglas’ quote; “I am often reminded that the wellspring of Vermont liberty flows from Main Street, not State Street.”

This Wellspring Forum was made possible by the support of the following sponsors:

Building a Stronger Vermont Together: 2025 Legislative Priorities

2025 Legislative Agenda

Building a Stronger Vermont Together

Trusted by the businesses that make living, working, and thriving in Vermont possible, the Vermont Chamber prioritizes collaboration and upholds the core values that define our state. As the preeminent not-for-profit statewide business organization, we advocate, build community, and provide resources for businesses statewide.

Last year, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce focused on collaborative solutions to address the state’s pressing challenges, and as we move into 2025, this commitment to balanced, data-driven, and pragmatic approaches remains strong. Through continuous engagement with legislators, businesses, and local stakeholders, the Vermont Chamber actively shapes legislative priorities that strengthen Vermont’s economy and improve quality of life for all Vermonters.

Megan Sullivan


Vice President of Government Affairs

Advocacy Pillars

The Vermont Chamber is committed to working with legislators, businesses, and communities to build a stronger Vermont. Our 2025 Legislative Agenda outlines a roadmap to achieve economic growth, affordability, and a high quality of life for all Vermonters.

Affordability Through Critical Reforms

Rising costs without improved outcomes are a significant concern for Vermont businesses and residents. In 2025, the Vermont Chamber will advocate for critical reforms that address the root causes of these cost drivers, without resorting to increased taxes on businesses and residents. Instead, the Vermont Chamber will focus on identifying and advocating for practical reforms that achieve meaningful cost reductions.

Key Policy Areas

  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Housing
  • Fiscal Policy

Incremental Progress Toward Aspirational Goals

The Vermont Chamber recognizes the need for measured progress on key long-term goals. By working collaboratively with legislators and stakeholders, the Vermont Chamber seeks to implement practical solutions that sustainably address challenges.

Key Policy Areas

  • Data Privacy
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Environment and Energy

Innovative Solutions for People and Places

Vermont faces a pressing need for more housing and a larger workforce. The Vermont Chamber believes that innovative solutions are needed to address these challenges. This includes strategic investments in housing development and critical infrastructure and efforts to promote Vermont as a desirable destination for workers and families. Creating a branding tool kit to attract new residents with diverse skills and experiences, Vermont can meet its workforce needs and ensure continued economic growth.

Key Policy Areas

  • Workforce
  • Economic Development
  • Community Development

“Rising Stars” Awarded to Amy Spear and Megan Sullivan

“Rising Stars” Awarded to Amy Spear and Megan Sullivan

Amy Spear, VP of Tourism, and Megan Sullivan, VP of Government Affairs were selected for their outstanding contributions to the Vermont economy and their communities. The Rising Star Awards honor 40 of Vermont’s most accomplished young leaders under the age of 40. This year’s recipients were chosen from 130 nominations and joined the ranks of 641 honorees selected in the last 14 years.

Amy has been with the Vermont Chamber since 2019, overseeing tourism division activities, and is a member of the advocacy team specializing in tourism and hospitality issues. Megan joined the Vermont Chamber team in 2021 as the advocacy team lead, directing government affairs work with the mission of advancing the Vermont economy. Amy and Megan are featured in the November issue of VermontBiz.

Vermont Chamber of Commerce Hosts 10th Annual Manufacturing Summit

Vermont Chamber of Commerce Hosts 10th Annual Manufacturing Summit

For a decade, the Vermont Chamber has brought together industry peers to facilitate sourcing and procurement opportunities at the Manufacturing Summit. OEM buyers, suppliers, and partners from across the United States and Canada convened at the event to strengthen supply chains and advance the Vermont economy. The event featured two days of virtual matchmaking, a robust seminar agenda, and an in-person networking reception.

Paradigm shifts brought on by the pandemic impacted global supply chains, causing businesses to modify their sourcing strategies. The Vermont Chamber’s Manufacturing Summit has met this challenge by innovating the event into a hybrid agenda. This year, 335 meetings between 90 suppliers and 24 OEMs, prime contractors, and government agencies took place. Many of the participants were leaders in the aerospace, aviation, defense, naval, marine, semiconductor, and space industries.

The 2023 Manufacturing Summit also marked the 10th anniversary of a collaboration agreement between Aéro Montréal and the Vermont Chamber. The Vermont-Québec Aerospace Trade Corridor links Vermont’s $2 billion aerospace manufacturing and civil aviation industry with the $18 billion Québec aerospace cluster. The corridor also extends to Connecticut and Ontario.

“Since 2013, the Vermont Chamber has built a legacy of strengthening Vermont’s manufacturing industry. Our advocacy work focuses on supportive tax policy and our supply chain matchmaking skills give Vermont businesses a competitive advantage. The Manufacturing Summit is the pinnacle of our year-round efforts to create a niche network of industry peers that enables supply chain opportunities in Vermont, New England, and Canada,” stated Chris Carrigan, Vice President of Business Development for the Vermont Chamber. “It was particularly exciting to produce this year’s event during Manufacturing Month, a time when the industry’s critical contributions to the national, state, and local economy are on full display.”

Several foreign and state dignitaries were present at the networking reception in Burlington, including Acting Consul General and Senior Trade Commissioner Dina Santos, Québec Delegate to New England Marie-Claude Francoeur, President of Aéro Montréal Mélanie Lussier, Treasurer Mike Pieciak, Commissioner Joan Goldstein, members of the Vermont Legislature, and representatives from the offices of Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Peter Welch, and Congresswoman Becca Balint.

Vermont Chamber Brings Together Chris Graff and Garrett Graff for First Joint Appearance, a Discussion on Politics and the Media

Vermont Chamber Brings Together Chris Graff and Garrett Graff for First Joint Appearance, a Discussion on Politics and the Media

On September 28, 2023, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce hosted an exclusive event featuring Chris Graff and Garrett Graff at the Flynn Space in Burlington Vermont. The father-son duo took the stage at “An Evening With the Graffs” to discuss the intricate relationship between the media and politics.

Garrett Graff and Chris Graff in conversation with Megan Sullivan, VP of Government Affairs.

Both Chris and Garrett Graff are esteemed journalists, authors, and political commentators with deep Vermont roots. The event focused on the ramifications of a rapidly changing media landscape nationally, and right here at home in Vermont. In particular, the Graffs focused on how social media and the 24-hour news cycles have influenced public opinion and impacted civic engagement as well as examined the rise of opinion-driven journalism and the proliferation of misinformation.

Chris Graff, a veteran Vermont reporter, served as the long-time Vermont AP bureau chief and host of “Vermont This Week.” In his decades with the AP, he covered the critical stories as the state transformed itself from a rural, Republican outpost into the state of Howard Dean, Jim Jeffords, Patrick Leahy, and Bernie Sanders.

Chris Graff stated, “We are incredibly lucky here in Vermont. Something special about our politicians that has remained true is their accessibility. We’ve seen our politicians succeed in presidential campaigns because we have something that the rest of America wants. When we ask our politicians a question we expect to get an answer, and we do.”

Garrett Graff is a Pulitzer Prize finalist, distinguished magazine journalist, internationally bestselling historian, and regular TV commentator and producer. He is recognized as one of the nation’s most prolific and wide-ranging journalists and historians. He offered a robust perspective on how political and geopolitical trends will shape the next decade. Specifically, how the current media landscape underscores that younger generations are the first in U.S. history to be less prosperous than their parents.

“The press is the only industry mentioned by name in the Constitution,” said Garrett Graff. “With a political landscape changing faster than we as a society can process it, and a void of national journalism rising to the occasion, younger generations are entering the workforce amid an excess of misinformation. Modern journalism too often covers the state of an issue rather than the stakes, and this is central to its failings.”

“The Vermont Chamber is proud to have brought these two incredible Vermonters together on stage for the first time,” said Vermont Chamber President Betsy Bishop. “Together, Chris and Garret have a combined 50 years of perspective on the rapidly changing media landscape, and how this has impacted political discourse and policymaking. We hope to see their shared expertise on display again very soon. ”

Chris Graff displays a photo of Garrett Graff conducting his “first interview” with Governor Madeleine Kunin as a young aspiring reporter.

Vermont Chamber Helps Secure $9.9 Million Investment for New Aviation and Aerospace Manufacturing Workforce Training Center

Vermont Chamber Helps Secure $9.9 Million Investment for New Aviation and Aerospace Manufacturing Workforce Training Center

The Vermont Chamber played an integral role in writing a congressional earmark application to U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy on behalf of the Burlington Technical Center for a new school that will further propel Vermont’s aerospace manufacturing and civil aviation industry. Combined with the Vermont Chamber’s legislative win in making permanent the 6% aviation sales tax exemption, the new school will elevate Vermont’s $2 billion aerospace and aviation industry.

The funding, announced by the current Vermont Congressional Delegation, will be administered by the United States Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology and aims to serve up to 150 Vermont high school students and adults each year. Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Peter Welch, and Representative Becca Balint stated, “Training young people in new and emerging technologies and reskilling workers in the field are equally essential to fostering a strong workforce in Vermont. The Vermonters trained here will play an important role in securing Vermont’s sustainable future through the growth of electric aviation. This investment is thanks to the dedication of Senator Leahy and his staff, the Burlington School District, and our forward-thinking, community-based aviation and aerospace industries in Vermont.”

Vermont Chamber Staff Earn 2023 Rising Star Awards

Vermont Chamber Staff Earn 2023 Rising Star Awards

Two members of the Vermont Chamber team have been announced as recipients of a Rising Star award. Amy Spear, VP of Tourism, and Megan Sullivan, VP of Government Affairs earned the honor which selects outstanding young leaders for contributions to the Vermont economy and their community.

Amy Spear, VP of Tourism (Left), Megan Sullivan, VP of Government Affairs (Right)

Amy and Megan will join the full 2023 class of awardees at an event hosted by VermontBiz on November 2nd and will also be featured in the November issue of VermontBiz. The Rising Stars honor 40 of Vermont’s most accomplished young leaders under the age of 40. Amy has been with the Vermont Chamber since 2019, overseeing tourism division activities, and is a member of the advocacy team specializing in tourism and hospitality issues. Megan joined the Vermont Chamber team in 2021 as the advocacy team lead, directing government affairs work with the mission of advancing the Vermont economy. This year’s class also included professionals from several member businesses:

  • Alex Adams – Green Mountain Power
  • Ike Bendavid – WCAX Channel 3 News
  • Ravi Bidichandani – PC Construction
  • Ryan Black-Deegan – Davis & Hodgdon CPAs
  • Melissa Bounty – Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation
  • Jennifer duToit Barrett – The Vermont Community Foundation
  • Phillip Foy – Encore Renewable Energy
  • Anna Grearson – Union Mutual
  • Olivia Lyons – Chamber & Economic Development of the Rutland Region
  • Maddy Murray-Clasen – Green Mountain Power
  • Megan Roush – Vermont Housing Finance Agency