In 2022, Money and Politics Combine for a Packed Legislative Session
As the Legislature reconvenes in January, the issues are familiar – housing, child care, broadband, climate change, and pension reform. Fortunately, the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) contained significant funding for states to address these chronic issues, with some funds appropriated last year and the balance to be appropriated this year. Yet, there are never enough funds to permanently solve these issues. Even with the ARPA funds being injected into ongoing programs, new tax revenue is already being discussed to sustain this higher level of spending.
Of equal importance are the politics of the session with four seats open in the 2022 election. This legislative session will be packed with leaders jockeying for sound bites as they work to elevate their name recognition to the voters. With nearly a year before the election, Vermont currently has open seats for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, the Lieutenant Governor, and the President Pro Tem.
The ongoing pandemic also adds another element to this environment, which has caused the Vermont Chamber to invest more resources in advocacy, expanding our lobbying team to five people working on all the issues impacting the business community. Read more about the newest members of our lobbying team here or contact any member of our lobbying team at