Intern Spotlight: Camden Simpson

Name: Camden Simpson

College: Saint Michael’s College

Field of Study: History Major, Education and Music Minors

Anticipated Graduation: May 2026

Hometown: Barre, VT

What past or current experiences have prepared you for your internship with the Vermont Chamber of Commerce?

Prior to beginning my internship with the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, I took several classes that required extensive notetaking, as well as acute attention to detail. These experiences strengthened my skills and prepared me for my current tasks and responsibilities at the State House. I am also a musician who plays in ensembles both on and off-campus, which has prepared me to work collaboratively with large groups and ensure that large operations come to fruition. Although my role at the State House may be relatively minor compared to others, it still helps to ensure the success of the Vermont Chamber.

What are you most looking forward to/what do you enjoy the most as part of your internship experience? What skills are you developing?

As an intern with the Vermont Chamber, I most enjoy viewing the different policies and procedures undertaken by the legislatures in the lawmaking process. Since becoming a State House tour guide last summer, I have been most interested in how the building operates during the legislative session and how Vermont laws originate. Seeing it through my own eyes, while also being able to contribute to it in a small way, is truly exciting, and easily my favorite part of the internship. In terms of skills, I feel as if I am becoming a much better note taker, both in terms of how I record observations and how quickly I can get them down. My attentiveness is also improving, and I can record the most accurate depiction of what I witnessed.

What are your plans for after college?

After graduating college, I will likely pursue my Master of Education from Saint Michael’s College. I plan to become a teacher in my post-college years, and a master’s degree will assist me in acquiring licensure. I will also continue exploring different career options that are available with a bachelor’s in history, as well as taking time to explore different parts of the country and the world.

Anything else potential employers should know about you?

I hope that potential employers will take note of my work ethic and time management. I am a hard worker who is devoted to whatever cause I may end up working for. I am capable of managing my time well and planning out individual steps to tackle an assignment. These skills have allowed me to succeed in college thus far, and I am confident they will serve me well as I anticipate my entry into the workforce.

How should potential employers contact you?

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