Intern Spotlight: Cole Siefer 

Name: Cole Siefer 

College: Middlebury College 

Field of Study: Economics  

Anticipated Graduation: May 2025 

Hometown: Concord, Massachusetts 

What is your Vermont story?  

My Vermont story started when I arrived at Middlebury College in the fall of 2021 and quickly fell in love with the state. Middlebury has been the perfect environment for me as a student to learn, grow, and recreate. The college’s intentional and focused learning environment has pushed me to dive deep into my coursework and engage with exciting and challenging ideas. Outside of the classroom, I have forged deep and lasting bonds with my teammates and coaches as a member of the Middlebury College Rugby Club. I have also been involved in student government, helping facilitate student organizations and clubs. The broader community has also welcomed me in. Off campus, I volunteer with my rugby teammates at the Charter House Coalition and attend services regularly at the Congregational Church of Middlebury. This is my second summer in Vermont; I have loved getting to explore and experience all the state’s offerings. I love Vermont because of its unique sense of place and identity and am drawn to Vermont because of its pace of life and focus on community. I have found Vermonters to be exceptionally kind, generous, and welcoming. People here are proud to be from the “brave little state,” and I am proud to be here now. 

What drew you to the work of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce/Vermont Futures Project? Why do you think it is important?  

Vermont has provided me with so much, and I am committed to helping the state grow and develop so others can have the same opportunity. I was specifically drawn to work for the Vermont Chamber of Commerce and Vermont Futures Project because the mission of the two organizations aligns with my values and goals. The Vermont Futures Project’s focus on making economic recommendations grounded in data resonates with my passion for using economics as a force for positive change. The Vermont Chamber of Commerce’s role in advocating for businesses and organizations of all sizes in Vermont is also crucial for policy-driven changes in the state. Last summer, I saw firsthand the unique and pressing challenges the Vermont economy faces with the intense rainfall and flooding. The work of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce and the Vermont Futures Project positively contribute to a stronger, healthier, and more inclusive Vermont economy moving forward, and I am excited to be a part of it. 

What are you hoping to learn more about during the internship and why? How do you envision this summer experience fitting into your long-term aspirations?  

During the internship, I hope to learn more about the specific issues the Vermont economy is facing. In my economics courses at Middlebury, we have often talked about various  notions of economic growth and development and how those definitions impact real-world policy and outcomes. Consistent with the data-driven recommendations of the Vermont Futures Project and the advocacy efforts of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, I hope to leverage my economics background and liberal arts education to support the robustness and resilience of the Vermont economy for all residents. This summer, I hope to travel more throughout Vermont to explore new areas and meet new people. 

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