Omnibus Housing Bill Passes
In the fading hours of the legislative session the omnibus housing bill was passed, a priority for the Vermont Chamber, legislators, and the Governor. Getting to this outcome included difficult negotiations and impassioned speeches to ensure that the meaningful housing provisions could pass without garnering a veto from the Governor, who continually stated his opposition to a change in Act 250 governance included in the House-passed version. That provision is included in S.234 which also passed, but it will undoubtedly be vetoed by the Governor.
Included in the final omnibus housing bill is $15 million for the Missing Middle Homeownership Development program which addresses workforce needs by increasing the supply of housing for middle income earners. There are also funds for manufactured homes, bylaw modernization grants, and an expansion of the priority housing project program. Another housing bill also passed this session and will provide funding to increase the supply of rental units through grants to property owners.